
domingo, 24 de abril de 2011

Verbete: Just in Time (Original)

       Just in time é um sistema administrativo capitalista que incorpora um conjunto de conceitos e técnicas voltadas para a melhoria de desempenho global dos sistemas produtivos. Criado no Japão pela montadora de automóveis Toyota, baseia-se na idéia de produzir o necessário e em função da demanda, isto é, produzir exatamente o que o mercado consumidor requer.
       Esse verbete se relaciona a outros: “economia de escopo”, “toyotismo”, “modelo Toyota de produção”, ”produção enxuta”.
     Esse sistema enfoca a busca pelo melhor rendimento de lucratividade e custo. Como ganhos resultantes de sua adoção, além de vantagens competitivas, destacam-se a minimização dos estoques, a diminuição das perdas de tempo, a integração e a otimização do processo.
     Além disso, o Just In Time visa também à redução para o mínimo possível de fornecedores, alcançando, assim, os potenciais benefícios desse modo de produção. Porém, essa redução gera certa vulnerabilidade em eventuais problemas de fornecimento, já que fornecedores alternativos foram excluídos. O sistema JIT se encontra em vários estabelecimentos, tais como nos “fast-foods”, onde os processos são sequenciais e o acúmulo de produto em processo é reduzido, além de os serviços serem bem mais rápidos.
     Também podemos citar as grandes grifes de moda, cuja produção de peças e acessórios é limitada de acordo com a época do ano (ou seja, tendências da estação) e a demanda de seus consumidores.

Verbete: Just in Time

            Just in time is a capitalist administrative system that defines a group of basic concepts and techniques turned to the improvement of the global performance of productive systems. It was created in Japan by Toyota, based on the idea of producing only the necessary, i.e., a determined amount of products for the market.
            This system focus on income, profits and costs reduction. As a result of the adoption of this model, there is a minimization of the stocks and less waste of time, the integration and the optimization of the whole process.
This expression is related to others as “economies of scope”, “toyotism”, “Toyota model of production”, “clean production”.
            Used in other contexts, like in computers sciences, Just In Time refers to a resource offered in Developing Environments.This resource translates, in real time, a high level developing languages, like Java or C#, to machine language, which is understood by the computer. In the industrial context, the use of this expression implies the production of specific demand, when the purchase of an amount of raw material is limited by the received order, with no excess production.
            The JIT system is found in many places, such as fast-foods chains, where the processes are sequential and the amount of wasted products is reduced, and the services are faster.
            We can also cite the huge fashion trademarks, whose production of items and accessories is limited by the year season and their costumers demand.

Volkswagen's car storage. Cars waiting to be sold.

Resumo: Why Earthquakes Occur

The Earth is divided in four layers, which are inner core, outer core, mantle and crust. The crust, the most external layer, is composed by some large pieces that are interconnected, called tectonic plates. The plate boundaries have many faults, where shocks or separations between the plates happen.

The Earth layers.

Earth's Tectonic Plates.

            The magnitude of an earthquake can be measured by a seismograph, a machine that writes lines that represent the vibration of the Earth. The scale used by this machine is called Richter, and it starts in 3.5, getting higher depending on the earthquake intensity.
            Scientists try to preview when shocks between the plates are going to happen, but all they can define is the probable area where an earthquake can take place. Usually this probable area is in the fault zone, which is located in the plate boundaries.

The San Andreas fault, the border between the North American Plate and the Pacific Plate.

Perfil: Débora Patrícia

My name is Débora Patrícia and I’m eighteen years old. I’m from Rio de Janeiro. I started my scholar life at the age of 3 years old and I studied the kindergarden and high school in regular institutions, but during this time I attended some different courses, such as computing lessons, English and work Safety, at CEFET-RJ, although I couldn’t finish this last one because I had to move out to Rio Grande do Norte. I currently study at UFRN and my major is Science and Technology. I have chosen it because I wished to be a materials engineer or a simple engineer. Nowadays I take part in a science initiation scholarship, in the area of materials engineering. 
I am skilled in calculation and design disciplines. I love to learn other languages such as english and french. I'm a calm and responsible person. I value the creativity, dedication and commitment to study. I’m always willing to try new things. I enjoy thoroughly honesty, loyalty and perseverance. I like swimming, running, meeting new people, discovering new places and I really love photography. I have a nice family and I always enjoy being with them. I like helping people, I believe in God and my religion is protestant. I sing in a choir in the Church, so I love gospel music. I think everything we can do in life is to try the hardest to be happy.

sexta-feira, 22 de abril de 2011

Perfil: Renata Lourena

Hello, I’m Renata Lourena, I am 20 years old. I like watching TV, surfing on the internet, talking to my friends. Also I like animals, specially dogs - I have 2 of them, their names are Queridinha and Cristal. In spite of being a small girl, I love playing volleyball! I like dancing, listening to music, and my favorite bands are Coldplay and Shakira. I love beach, pizza, chocolate, studying… I can stay here writing during all day! I really like many things.
I studied in IFRN during my high school and the course was about computing. There I learned about everything: life, friendship, relationships, jobs... I want to be a computer engineer, so I’m studying Science and Technology in UFRN.
I currently work with Java programming. I intend to make the difference in the world, providing technological advances and caring about the environment. My family supports me so much, and I’m very happy for this. I love then!

Perfil: Johnny Ribeiro

My Name is Johnny Poulyeston Paulo Ribeiro. I am 21 years old. I am friendly and mainly responsible. I usually study for my graduation, the “Bacharel em Ciências e Tecnologia”, but I like listening to music, talking to my friends, going to beach and sleeping in my free time. My family is very important for me, because my parents teach me how life is and my virtues such as honesty, communion and discipline
I always struggle myself in all activities because I am protestant and in the Holy Bible is written “I can do all things through Christ”. So I believe that obeying God I can obtain success in my live. In the future I want to travel to Europe, USA and China and visit places as the Silicon Valley. My dream is to work in a great company, such as Petrobras, as a Mechanical Engineering, which is the same area I study in IFRN. Others aims are having a family and being more active in my church. Nowadays, I study for BC&T and I work researching about lubrificants.

Perfil: Henrique Alas

My name is Henrique Alas Martins Cestaro, I ‘m 21 years old and I was Born in Natal.
I love math and engineering, and I have studied Computing at the CEFET-RN. Those things made me choose the Bacharelado em Ciências & Tecnologia for my graduation.
In my free time, I like reading a lot of thing on the internet, mainly comic strips, and other kinds of blogs. Photography and music are two of my hobbies. Sometimes I go out for making some pictures, nature ones, whenever possible.
Usually I’m a calm person, and there are only a few things that can make me nervous. I’m an intelligent person, but I’m not so much disciplined, and that doesn’t help me too much at the university.
At the UFRN I’m almost all the time with my girlfriend, who is a really special girl. We help each other a lot, both in the studies as in the life in general.
I’m doing a research (Iniciação Científica) at cosmology with Professor Léo. It’s not the subject I would like to work with after my graduation, but I like it a lot.
I speak English and French. I’ve lived one year in France, when my mother was doing her studies there. It was an incredible year and I hope to go back there soon, to see my friends and all the landscapes again.
After my graduation in the BCT I want to go on Mechanical Engineering, and after this do a Master and may be work in researches. I’m not so sure about that yet, and I still have some years to decide that.

Perfil: Roberta Varela

      My name is Roberta, I was born in 1992, in Natal. My mother is an accountant and my father is a dentist and a lawyer, I also have a 2-year-old sister. I have several professors in my family, which made me have intense contact with knowledge since I was a kid. 
     In my free time I enjoy chatting on the internet with my friends, because I can't see most of them everyday. I love listening to music too, and my favorite bands are Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd, both from England. Reading is another hobby of mine, but I don't have that much time to read all the interesting books I hear about. 
       I spend 9 hours of my day in UFRN, I study in the morning and in the afternoon I have classes. The academic space is very inspiring, so I try to stay as much as I can in contact with the professors and the other students. I want to be a materials engineer, so I'm trying my best in order to be a successful person. For me, having success means making people's lives better and converting everything I learned into something useful for the society. 
      I have a boyfriend that studies with me in UFRN, and he is an unique guy. He is comprehensive and we help each other when our problems seem unsolvable. We try to rise together and learn with each and every attitude. We've been together for almost one year now, and I wish we will carry on with this special feeling between us for a long time. 
      Well, this is basically me, I tried to condense my personality in a few lines, but none of us can be totally explained in a small piece of paper!